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The (hopefully) annual frozen lake has arrived and it looks like the official date will be just before the calendar turned to February. Just in time for all of the Winter Carnival activities! It has been COLD! We're definitely starting to see a lot more ice fishing action and even some ice sailboats.
Our Freedom Boat Club members are enjoying some great warm weather reciprocal boating and we have enjoyed seeing their pictures of boating destinations like Ft. Lauderdale, Naples, Tampa and many more. Nice to know there are some people escaping the cold.
The boating industry continues to see crazy demand. Many brands are already selling slots into 2023 and we have made sure to stock up our parts inventory well ahead of time this year so we have as much as we can on hand and don't have to keep our customers off the water in the summer waiting for parts.
It is weeks like this that make us treasure our boating season even more!